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переводите на английский язык санжар любит запускать воздушного змея 2) Жаниялюбит ходить на рынок 3) Бахытжан любит ловить рыбу 4) Карлыган любит кататься на велосипеде​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)Sanjar likes to launch an air snake

2)Janya likes to go to the market

3)Bakhytzhan likes to fish

4)Kirlygan likes to ride a bike


все в P. S. так как глагол Likes - глагол состояния. И используется в P. S.

I`m a fan of horror movies. in my opinion thanatomorphose is one of the best films of this genre. it`s about the long and painful death of the girl. she wakes up and begins to realize that her body rots. she turns into a living dead. it looks so disgusting. the film was able to scare me. i couldn`t eat and to sleep after watching. perhaps the meaning isn`t in the movie, but i do not think that is a waste of time. thanatomorphose has impressed me that has sometimes more important then  meaning.

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