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Найдите в размах, среднее арифметическое, медиану и моду ряда данных а) 9, 3 , 8, 13, б) 1,4, 4 ,2 , 0,5 в ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mark is (самый высокий) in our class. (…) 2. emma is   elder  (старше) than angela. (…) 3. i’m not a very good singer. you can sing   better  (лучше). (…) 4. sarah plays tennis very well. she is the best  (самый лучший) cook in our family. (…) 5. john has the most expensive  (самую дорогую) car in our family. (…) 6. you get up earlier  (раньше) than me in the morning. (…) 7. i think i look worse  (хуже) today than i was yesterday. (…) 8. when i passed my exams, i was the happiest  (самый счастливый) person in the world. (…) 9. africa is the hottest  (самый жаркий) continent in the world. (…) 10. i think football is more dangerous  (опаснее) than volleyball. (…)

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