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An old lady is talking to a porter at the railway p la tform. She keeps forgetting the nam e of the place she is going to and does not quite know how many pieces of luggage

she has. (Use th e follow ing: will you see to m y lu g g a g e ?

where for, m adam ? it ju st slipped m y memory; it's a sort of

resort place; would you like m e to have these trunks put in

the luggage-van? where on earth is that suitcase? it will never go on the luggage-rack; I m ust have a seat facing the en ­

gine; dear me, I'm sure to m iss the train; is it a through

train? I hate to change; when are we due to arrive! )

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwent to the cinema yesterday (я ходил в кино вчера) she moved last year (она переехала в прошлом году) they married three years ago (они поженились три года назад) ididn't like that mouvie (мне не понравилось это блюдо)                                  i didn't ask her about you (я не спрашивал у неё про тебя)                              you didn't understand the situation (ты/вы не понял/и ситуацию)

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