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5 Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs below. Arrive, bring , catch ,get, give, phone, rain, remind, see.

l`m still waiting for the festival tickets we booked! If they(1) ….by tomorrow ,I (2)….the box office .The journey should be quite easy. If we (3)….the ten o’clock train next Friday ,we(4)….there by noon. We can wait until later to put the tents up if it(5) ….when we arrive .I(6)…the food and drinks if you….me some money for them. Oh, and if you(7)… me some money for them. Oh, and if you(8)….Carl later, (9)….him to bring his willies-it`s bound to rain! See you next Friday.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

He has already begun playing tennis when we came to the stadium. -он уже начал играть в теннис, когда мы пришли на стадион. the rain has already begun when we reached the village. - когда мы добрались до деревни, дождь уже начался.

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