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. Речення не перепuсуй. Fill in the gaps: rare birds picturesque villages loads of ideas peaceful countryside important skills breathtaking landscapes incredible place natural fear of humans truly wild animals have the legs for be a nuisance to follow the route

1. Thirty-five years ago there were and one town in the Exclusion zone.
2. People lived in the .
3. They had and plans.
4. Now it’s a Nature Biosphere Reserve with .
5. A lot of and animals live there.
6. They have a and other .
7. Tourists can see , such as wolves, foxes, deer and even lynxes!
8. If you a long walk you can visit this .
9. But , please!
10. Don’t animals!

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I borrow books at a rental library. They charge me a dollar for that. I don't want to invest in their future. I won't lend them any money. Правильный ответ.

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