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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 It's high time you (start) revising for your final exams.
2 A lot of animals are in danger. If only the government (take) wildlife protection more seriously!
3 I wish I (can) make everyone aware of the importance of sustainability.
4 I don't want to talk to Carrie. I'd rather you (speak) to her.
5 I wish I (not buy) such a big car – it's really bad for the environment and I regret it now.

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didnt buy

this is me on my winter holiday. i`m wearing jeans, blouse, jacket, scarf and had. the weather today is windy and snowy.

это я на мои зимние каникулы. я одет(а) в джинсы, кофту, куртку, шарф и шапку. погода сегодня  ветряная и снежная

если надо про лето, то в одежде можно убрать jacket, scarf и hat. в последнем предложении убрать snowy. 

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