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Do these tasks and send to the teacher. Task I.Complete the following sentences.
1. We went out ………………………….. the rain.
a) in spite of       b) however c) although
2. We went out …………………………. it rained.
a) despite            b) although         c) however
3. She went on working ……………………….. she was tired.
a) although         b) despite           c) either could be used here
4. She went on working ………………………….. the fact that she was tired.
a) despite            b) however        c) although
5. …………………….. she is a nice girl, I don’t quite like her.
a) although         b) despite           c) however
6. ………………………. expensive, it was a good watch.
a) however         b) although         c) despite
7. I didn’t like the film. …………………………., everybody else seemed to enjoy it.
a) however         b) despite           c) either could be used here
8. ………………………. I didn’t like the film, everybody else seemed to enjoy it.
a) although         b) however        c) either could be used here
9. We managed to do it …………………………….. he wasn’t there.
a) however         b) although         c) either could be used here
10. We managed to do it, ………………………….. the fact that he was not there.
a) although         b) despite           c) however

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.c ( не уверена) 6.c

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