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Складіть 9 речень, використовуючи слова та словосполучення з таблиці. ( 9 назв клубу – 9 речень )
1-вый столбик:
A school orchestra
The Drama Club
A school newspaper
The Sports Club
Arts and Crafts Club
Piano classes
A school choir
The Literature Club
The Nature Study Club
2-ой столбик

3-ий столбик:
for those

4-й столбик:
are fond of
are keen on
are interested in
are good at
making new friends. music.
playing musical instruments.
reading book.
searching for new information and writing.
painting and drawing.
making things with their hands.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1. Has John ever won a prize at a race?

2. I fell asleep yesterday when I was watching TV.

3. George has never been to Canada.

4. Tom is not back to England. He has been to Italy for three weeks.

5. We did a lot last Sunday.

6. I sometimes go to the cinema.

7. Nick worked hard yesterday.

8. I haven't found my ring yet which I lost at the party yesterday.

9. They built this castle in 1762.

10. Do you like to have something to eat? No, thank you. I just had dinner.

11. While Tom plays tennis, Ann takes a shower.

12. I don't see.


1. The question is in the Present Perfect Tense.

2. The first verb is in the Simple Past Tense, while the second is in the Past Continuous Tense.

3. The sentence is in the Present Perfect Tense.

4. The sentence is in the Present Perfect Tense.

5. The sentence is in the Simple Past Tense.

6. The sentence is in the Simple Present Tense.

7. The sentence is in the Simple Past Tense.

8. The first verb is in the Present Perfect Tense, while the second is in the Simple Past Tense.

9. The sentence is in the Simple Past Tense.

10. The sentence is in the Simple Past Tense.

11. Both verbs are in the Simple Present Tense.

12. The phrase is in the Simple Present Tense.


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