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с анг, надо составить краткий пересказ 5-6 предложений (заранее , максимально простыми словами ) A very important development during the Middle Ages was the hospital. Hospital appeared in Ceylon early in the fifth century B. C. and in India in 260 B. C. Hospitals were founded during the Middle Ages in Italy, France, England, Spain, and other European countries. The number of hospital beds was not always in indication of hospital size, usually great beds were used and four-six patients were put on one bed. Hospitals were founded to treat the sick people. Another development during the Middle Ages was the foundation of Universities. Many of the great European Universities were founded during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Biological sciences were taught in the universities. Students also studied the human body and some diseases.​

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1. at last i have done all my homework: now i shall go out,  

2. the building of the house began early in april.  

3. the rain has stopped but a cold wind is still blowing.  

4. we have already solved the problem.

5. he came a moment ago.  

6. i have never spoken to him.  

7. he has just   finished his work.  

8. have you made any spelling mistakes in your dictation?  

9. it was very cold yesterday.  

10. when did you meet him?  

11. i have not seen him since 1987.  

12. how many mushrooms have you gathered?  

13. where have you put the newspaper? i want to read it, but cannot find it anywhere.

14. the new school began working last year.  

15. have you read all the books on this shelf?  

16. i have not seen my cousin since last year.  

17. why did you put these things in the wrong place?  

18. why have you left the door open? you will catch cold sitting in the draught.

19. "we have not met for such a long time! " said my friend. "yes, indeed," i answered, "and we both grew."

20. what books did you read when you lived in the country?

21. they have not come from the south yet.

22. he was ill last week, but now he has recovered.

23. if everybody has read this new novel, let's discuss it.

24. have you booked tickets? — yes, i have . i booked them several days ago.

25. i can hardly recognize you. i have not seen you since you left for moscow. and you gave changed so much.

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