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Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into infinitive or – ing form. 1. He managed (interview) a famous celebrity.
2. I should remember (phone) him. He'll be at home.
3. They deny (commit) a crime.
4. He pretended not (hear) me.
5. Why have you stopped? Go on (read).
6. This film is worth (see).
7. You needed (add) some more sugar to that.
8. The teacher asked us some questions and went on (tell) us about the climate of England.
9. I can't help (drink) coffee.
10. They refused (go) with us.
11. I'll always remember (meet) you for the first time.
12. I don't mind (open) the window.
13. We must (visit) grandma this weekend.
14. We used to (walk) to school, but now we go by bus.
15. I am used to (drink) a cup of coffee every morning. .​

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. eating 3. to phone 4. to finish 5. becoming, 6. playing, 7.to show, 8. losing 9. to do, 10. to practise, 11. to tell, 12. to spend, 13. to ride, 14. to post.


to hearreadingseeingto (без to)walkdrinking

Морозко.та добрая девочка. та добрая была и работящая.а ещё вежливая.чем и удивила морозко и получила много подарков

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