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1 Complete the words in the sentences.

1 They run a whole c _ _ _ n of clothes shops.

2 They’re now selling everything at d _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ d


3 I’m not paying that much money – it’s o _ _ rp _ _ _ _ d!

4 I need to go to the p _ _ s _ _ p to buy some cat food.

5 They charge an h _ _ _ _ y fee for the treatment – it costs

£20 for 60 minutes.

6 A lot of designer clothes cost an a _ _ and a leg!

7 A lot of shoppers were there early to s _ _ p up the


8 Are you going to s _ _ n up for the course?

9 You paid far too much – I think you got r _ _ _ _ d off!

10 He spent how much? He must have money to b _ _ _!

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