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Английский ! Make the sentences more emphatic using the word only. 1.If it were warm outdoors! 2.If we were older! 3.If the princess were not under the spell.4. If grapes and oranges were grown here.5.If i were at the theatre.6.If i were watching my favourite film.7.If we went to the USA in June.8.If our group visited the Bolshoi Theatre at the end of the week.9.If they had more animals! 10.If you came earlier tomorrow! 11. If i could memorize all the poems i like. 12.If i could dance as a ballet dancer.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.we are  from rome. 2.i am  not from mosckow , i am  from pskov. 3.she is  from bonn. 4. you are  from paris. 5. my name is  sue. i am  from london. 6.we are  happy.i  -  am  you,they,we  -  arehe,she,it - is

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