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Complete the sentences with one word.
1 When you are worried about something and
the danger passes, you may breathe a sigh of
2 When a person or place has a lucky escape, we
can say that they dodged the
3 The worst thing people can do in a crisis is to
lose their
They should try to stay
calm and not panic.
4 Sometimes people get depressed over small
problems. You may try to cheer them up by
telling them not to worry because it isn't the
end of the
5 When you think other people are making a
problem bigger than it really is you can tell
them that it isn't a big problem at all. It's just a
storm in a
6 When someone or something starts to slow
down or fade away, you can say that the person
or thing is running out of

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Ответы на вопрос:

My summer holidays was very exciting. i really liked it. in june i was at home. every day i played in computer games, walked with my friends. in july i visited my grandparents and then i came to home and read a lot of interesting books, listened music, watched tv. in august i started bought different things to school . i listened music, and read books. twice a week my friends and i went to the cinema. i saw a lot of films and cartoons. it was a comedy, horror, thriller etc. i really liked my summer holidays. i wanted that my summer holidays continued, but i need went to school. i think the next holiday will be more interesting. мои летние каникулы были захватывающие. мне они понравились. в июне я была дома, гуляла с друзьями и играла в компьютерные игры. в июле я съездила к бабушке и дедушке, затем затем я вернулась домой и прочитала много интересных книг, слушала музыку и смотрела телевизор. в августе я начала покупать разные вещи в школу. два раза в неделю я со своими друзьями ходили в кино. я посмотрела много фильмов и мультфильмов. это были комедия, ужастики, триллер и так далее. мне понравились мои летние каникулы. я бы хотела, чтобы они продолжались, но мне нужно идти в школу. я надеюсь, что следующие каникулы будут ещё интереснее.

Популярно: Английский язык