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I. Complete the sentences. Write 2 questions to each sentence. 1) The USA has got
2) The USA borders with
3) The climate is
4) There are many in the USA.
5) The largest rivers
6) The main cities
7) Washington is
8) Washington was named
9) The White House
10) The Capitol was build
II. Finish the sentences:
1) If I go to Canada,
2) If I visit Ottava,
3) If I travel to Australia,
4) If I arrive in Canberra,
5) If I were in New Zealand,
6) If I lived in Wellington,
7) If I had more time,
8) If I were you,
9) If I went abroad,
10) I will be very happy if

III. Describe:
- The System of Schooling in Ukraine.
- The System of Schooling in Great Britain.
- The System of Schooling in the USA.
IV. Translate the sentences:
1) Моя сестра ходить у ясла.
2) Що ти знаєш про дошкільну освіту у США?
3) Я не вчуся у початковій школі.
4) Ми відвідуємо школу з поглибленим вивченням англійської.
5) Я працюю директором школи.
6) Ти ходиш на педагогічну раду?
7) Учениця не вчить англійську.
8) Вони вчаться в 9Б класі.
9) Він відвідує уроки кожного дня?
10) Вона не прогулює уроки.
V. Write the article where necessary.
___ Nile in in Egypt.
Alps are very beautiful.
It is very dry in ___ Sahara.
Where are Bahamas?
USA is great country.
Italians are very emotional.
I go to University in morning.

VI. Choose the correct variant:
1. What ….tomorrow?
a) do you do b) shall you do c) are you going to do
2. Tom … going to be a doctor.
a) is b) am c) are
3. Look at her! She ….win the race.
a) will b) shall c) is going to
4. …friends going to play football tomorrow?
a) is b) am c) are
5. We ….buy Jane a dress for her birthday.
a) is going to b) are going to c) are going
6. The car …outside the door.
a) is stoped b) stopped c) did stop
7. The weather …very hot last week.
a) was b) were c) is
8. Did you … the film last night?
a) watch b) watched c) watche
9. I …walk home last Friday.
a) did b) didn’t c) didn’t walk
10. We …our friends at the weekend.
a) did visit b) didn’t visited c) didn’t visit

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Ответы на вопрос:

There are over two thousand animal spices in the world, but only two or three dozens of them are domesticated. all the rest live in the wild nature, and are not domesticable. they are usually referred to wild animals. wild animals are distinguished from the domestic ones by external appearance, behavior and feeding habits. but the key difference between them is their attitude to humans. wild animals always see people as enemies rather than friends. their fear for humans is genetic, and even if you manage to tame one of them, its joeys will not be born tamed. в мире существует более двух тысяч видов животных, но только два или три десятка из них являются . все остальные обитают в естественной среде и не приручению. их обычно относят к диким животным. дикие животные отличаются от внешним видом, поведением и пищевыми привычками. но ключевое различие между ними – это отношение к человеку. дикие животные всегда воспринимают людей скорее как врагов, а не как друзей. страх перед человеком заложен у них генетически, и даже если вам удастся приручить одного из них, то его потомки не родятся ручными.

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