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Вопрос №170 V1 Do you often look …words in the dictionary?
a) for
b) after
c) at
d) up
e) over
Вопрос №171
V1 One noun does not go with the verb “do”. Which one?
a) a photo
b) exercises
c) research
d) the shopping
e) the housework
Вопрос №172
V1 Are there chips?
a) Any
b) an
c) some
d) a
e) the
Вопрос №173
V1 Have you read the new book written Stephen Hawking?
a) by
b) of
c) with
d) ‘s
e) in
Вопрос №174
V1 Do you get … well with your boss?
a) out
b) on
c) off
d) back
e) or
Вопрос №175
V1 Who do you take … in your family?
a) off
b) up
c) after
d) turn
e) away
Вопрос №176
V1 She ……… a uniform.
a) wear
b) wears
c) wearing
d) to wear
e) has wearing
Вопрос №177
V1 He _ his car every weekend.
a) washes
b) wash
c) washing
d) washed
e) have washing
Вопрос №178
V1 We are happy together, … we?
a) are
b) did
c) do
d) aren’t
e) have
Вопрос №179
V1 My dad ……_ at 7 o’clock everyday.
a) stands up
b) looks up
c) jumps up
d) gets up
e) jumping
Вопрос №180
V1 Isabel is a flight attendant. She passengers.
a) serve
b) to serve
c) serves
d) serving
e) have serving
Вопрос №181
V1 .… I wouldn’t ignore those letters.
a) If you were me
b) If I were you,
c) When I am you
d) If I was you
e) If you been me
Вопрос №182
V1 Jim’s a postman. He letters to people.
a) answers
b) works
c) delivers
d) serves
e) gives
Вопрос №183
V1 We … done our course project yet.
a) haven’t
b) are
c) was
d) have
e) is
Вопрос №184
V1 There must be a problem this software.
a) just
b) with
c) in
d) on
e) at
Вопрос №185
V1 Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He all over the world.
a) goes
b) sees
c) delivers
d) travels
e) gives
Вопрос №186
V1 In winter Sheila skiing and in summer tennis.
a) makes / plays
b) does / plays
c) goes / plays
d) starts / *
e) play/ do
Вопрос №187
V1 My friend’s son Turkish and English at university.
a) has
b) plays
c) studies
d) goes
e) walks
Вопрос №188
V1 Most of the people work at 8 o’clock every morning.
a) finishes
b) does
c) starts
d) goes
e) reads
Вопрос №189
V1 A:……. does Tony Blair live?
B: In Great Britain.
a) When
b) What time
c) Where
d) How
e) Which

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) mr. berg always does his english lessons very carefully. 2) i am hearing the sound of an engine outside 3) our teacher is explaining the new rule to us right now. 4)mr.harris teaches the same class this year. 5) she always forgets her name. 6) "what are you doing now? we are having lunch.

Популярно: Английский язык