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Complete the sentences. Use have to or has to + one of these verbs. Do read speak study travel buy get up walk wear stay

1. My eyes are not very good. I have to wear glasses.

2. At the end of the course, all the students … … a test.

3. Mary is studying literature. She … … a lot of books.

4. He doesn`t understand much English, so I … … very slowly to him.

5. George is not often at home. He … … a lot in his job.

6. There are no buses in the evening. We … … home.

7. I`m going to bed early tonight. I … … early tomorrow morning.

8. I go to the supermarket after work because I … … some food.

9. It`s too hot outside .We … … at home.

10.John isn`t good at everything. He … … hard.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2.have to do
3.has to read
4.have to speak
5.has to travel
6.have to walk
7.have to get up
8.have to buy
9.we have to stay
10.he has to study

1. have. 2. has. 3. has. have 4. 5. has. have

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