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Экзаменационный билет № 2 1. Comment on the use and the way of translation of the modal verb may ..
2. Use the verbs given in brackets in proper Present Tense. (Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect).
I (know) him well. I (know) him since our childhood.
3.Write «must», «need» or a form of «have to» in each gap. Question forms and negatives are also included. What time ... we ... leave for the airport? ... About 3 o'clock.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. john asked mary to type that letter. 2. our boss ordered us not to send the invoice by fax. 3. the sales manager told me to look through the price lists carefully! 4.the managing director ordered subordinate to clarify the details of the contract. 1. джон попросил мэри напечатать это письмо. 2. наш босс приказал нам не выслать счет по факсу. 3. менеджер по продажам сказал мне посмотреть прайс-листы осторожно! 4. директор приказал подчиненным уточнить детали договора.

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