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Complete the text, using the words in the brackets in an appropriate causative structure.
Productivity in the workplace
Research has shown a moderate noise level is good for
productivity and creativity in the workplace. High noise levels,
especially when it's stop-start, make it difficult to process
information efficiently. Anyone who has tried to work at home
while their neighbours are playing loud music, speaking loudly
on the phone or, even worse, 1
apartment/renovate), will have experienced this.
Research about temperatures in the workplace has shown
that productivity decreases significantly and up to 40% more
mistakes are made when the temperature is below 20°C.
So, if you're feeling cold, 2
boss/turn up) the heating, but not too much, as too high
temperatures cause an even greater decrease in creativity.
When it comes to lighting, too little light and too much light can
both reduce productivity. Natural light is generally preferable
as long there is enough of it. So, if your workplace is too dim,
you should consider 3
(skylights or
large windows/install).
Finally, research has shown that an untidy workspace is better
for creative thinking than a tidy one. So if you are a naturally
tidy person, it may be worth 4
(a colleague/mess up) your desk from time to time.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Flunkey, flunky chunky, clunky, funky, hunky, junkie, junky, punky, spunky

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