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37. Synonyms for wound a) harm
b) injure
c) hurt
d) all of the above and below
e) damage

38. One of the below means wound.
a) detailed information
b) a very small organism
c) disease
d) damage to the body often a cut

39. If you don't do what I , I'll inform the doctor.
a) says
b) saying
c) say
d) said
e) has said

40. I'll visit her as soon as I a time.
a) had
b) are
c) have
d) am
e) is

41. The project delayed if I don't finish this report on time.
a) are
b) have
c) will be
d) were
e) would be

42. What will you do if you a ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬free time?
a) would have
b) had
c) is
d) have
e) was

43. When I look at a computer screen for too long, I a headache.
a) got
b) would get
c) took
d) get
e) had

45. What role the heart play in circulatory system?
a) do
b) does
c) be
d) doing
e) have

46. Viscera comes from the Latin viscus, meaning "an of the body”.
a) inner part
b) inner ear
c) middle part
d) outer partdd
e) extra part

47. If you’re up late studying and feel tired and hungry, a nutritious energy-containing
snack ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ just what you need to perk you up.
a) can be
b) being
c) were
d) been
e) be
48. Online learning tips can you save a time.
a) helper
b) helps
c) helping
d) helped
e) help

49. Find the equivalent to the phrasal verb: быть похожим
a) take after
b) takes down
c) takes in
d) take over
e) takes off

50. Fill in correct particle “Dave has just taken fishing”
a) up
b) to
c) back
d) off
e) after

51. Fill in correct preposition: The physician often boasts his treatment.
a) about
b) for
c) on
d) with
e) in

52. Fill in correct particles: Lots of people go the cooking competition every year.
a) in for
b) in to
c) in after
d) in with
e) in before

53. Fill in correct preposition: During the meeting she cut and asked some questions.
a) In
b) off
c) out
d) down on
e) down

54. Find the equivalent to the phrasal verb: General practitioner patients at the hospital by telephone and video appointments.
a) look for
b) gone on with
c) cares for
d) taken after
e) work at

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) english law has developed from a number of sources.

2) english legal development started in 1066.

3)   the act of 1876 made the provision for the appointment of two lords of appeal in ordinary.

4) how many are there in lords of appeal now?

5) the common law is the basis of english law.

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