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Прочитайте отрывок из письма, которое вы получили от английской подруги по переписке по имени Кейт. Напишите ей письмо и ответьте на её вопросы.

... I want to read a new book. I’m thinking about choosing one. What books are popular with your friends in Russia? Do you read a lot? Do you like your Literature lessons?

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Ответы на вопрос:

pumas(or cougars)are fron north or south america.they live in forests and mountains.they are big cats (1.8 m.long/90 kg)

they have got small heads   and small ears.they are brown or yellow.they have got long legs and can jump 10 m.pumas live to 12 yers old in the wild? but they live to 19 yers old   in zoos.

pumas eat big animals.they hunt   them in the day or night.female pumas have  got 1 to 5 babies.they live with their mother for 2 years.now pumas are very rare in many areas of america.

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