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1.She is shortest girl in my class.
2. He is taller person in my family.
3.She is the younger person at my school.
4.This book is heaviest than that one.
5. He is older his friend.
6.It is the bigger crocodile in the world.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.She is the shortest girl in my class.

2. He is the tallest person in my family.

3.She is the youngest person at my school.

4.This book is heavier than that one.

5. He is older than his friend.

6.It is the biggest crocodile in the world.

место больше похоже террасу,девушка в платье с кем-то разговаривает,на улице ясная солнечная погода


the place is more of a terrace, a girl in a dress is talking to someone, there is a clear sunny weather outside

Популярно: Английский язык