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3. Fill in the blanks with the following forms of modal verbs and their equivalents; must, mustn't, needn't, should,
shouldn't have to (has to), don't have to (doesn't have to),
1. You ... take a bus to get to the museum. It's far from
here. 2. Pupils ... come to school in time. 3. Children play
with matches. 4. You've been travelling all day, you ... be tired.
5. You open the window. It's very cold outdoors. 6. I ... learn
this grammar rule. I don't know it. 7. You ... give up your
seat to old people. 8. People ... cross the street when the light
is red. 9. I don't go to school on Sundays. I ... get up early in
the morning. 10. I ... clean the windows. They aren't dirty.
11. It's grown dark in the room. ... I switch on the light? 12.
Let's listen to some music, we? 13. You ... read this book in
English. It's very difficult for you. 14. She can't come to see
me. She ... meet her friends at the railway station. 15. You .
buy any bread. We've got a lot of it. 16. He ... make tea in the
morning. His mother makes it for him.

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