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Кто знает Пассив !! 7. The words “To be or not to be” … Hamlet.
A spoke
B were speaking
C were spoken by
D are spoken by

8. Nothing … of David.
A heard
B has ever been heard
C will hear
D was ever heard

9. We knew that this book … next year.
A would be published
B will be published
C will publish
D will published

10. The old woman … very well there.
A will look after
B looks after
C will be looked after
D will looked after

11. The railway line … under tons of rock and earth.
A was buried
B buried
C has buried
D had buried

12. When I entered the hall, the question…
A would be discussed
B is being discussed
C was being discussed
D is discussing

13. I am afraid nothing could … about it.
A do
B be done
C be doing
D have done

14. Last night I … by the police as I was driving home.
A stopped
B have been stopped
C was stopped
D have stopped

15. The new equipment … the company.
A ordered
B ordered by
C ordered was
D has been ordered by

16. The rule must … to everyone.
A have known
B be known
C know
D be knowing

17. If I … I will tell them everything.
A will be asked
B was asked
C am asked
D will ask

18. Money … in a sale by us.
A is kept
B will be keeping
C are kept
D are being kept

19. One thousand people … by the company.
A are employing
B are employed
C be employed
D is employed

20. After the accident the railway station …
A destroyed completely
B was completely destroyed
C have been completely destroyed
D has destroyed

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i still can't get used to waking ask you for advise 3i hope everything will turn up well (не уверена) 4sorry i haven't written for 5

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