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Change the sentences into Indirect Speech. Use the words given in brackets. 6. Mrs. Brown never says anything and even what she says is so ordinary. (to remark, to continue)​

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How many times have you heard, ‘If I (1) were you, I  (2) would start saving now for retirement.’? If you (3) wanted to have £100,000 at age 65, you (4) could do it for as little as £31 per month. The earlier you start, the lower your monthly payments will be and the lower your total payment (the amount you contribute) will be.

Look at Sandra. She’s 24 now. Beginning next year, if she (5) started investing £31 every month, she (6) would contribute only £14,880 in total over forty years. So, she’d invest less than £15,000 in total and receive £100,000 from her investment. Now look at David. He’s 55. If he (7) had started investing at 30, he (8) would have contributed only £46 every month and (9) could have paid £19,320. But if he (10) decided to start investing now, it (11) would cost £552 every month and he (12) would end up paying a total of £66,240. Doesn’t it make sense to start early?



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