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12 and/but/so/because Look at these words that join sentences.
I like Pete, and I like his wife.
I like Pete, but I don't like his wife.
John's ill, so he's in bed.
He's in bed because he doesn't feel very well.
Complete the sentences with and, but, so, or because.
1 I usually love cats, but I really don't like your cat.
2 We have a holiday in summer,
skiing in winter
we go
3 I work hard
I need the money.
4 I work hard,
I don't earn a lot of money.
5 Yesterday was a long day at work,
I was
tired this morning.
6 I like Suzie
she's funny and she makes
me laugh.
7 Toby's clever and funny, he's good-looking
8 I can't drive,
I don't need a car.

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Ответы на вопрос:

летом я с родителями ездила в москву. давайте немного поговори о красной площади. по моему взгляду красная площадь необыкновенно красивая площадьи самая большая в россии. интересно почему же она называется красная? само название говорит за себя. все стены и кремль построенны из красного кирпича. недалеко от красной площади находится кремль. красная площадь одно из самых красивых мест в россии.



in the summer my parents and i traveled to moscow. let's talk about the red square. in my view red square, very unusually beautiful square is the largest in russia. i wonder why it is called the red? the name speaks for itself. all the walls and citadel built of red brick. not far from the red square is the kremlin. red square is one of the most beautiful places in russia.

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