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Read the extract from your friend’s email. Write her an email giving advice about what she should do (80-100 words). Follow the plan:

Para 1: express sympathy.

Para 2: give advice and possible results.

Para 3: wish them good luck.

I want to take up skiing but my parents think it’s too dangerous. They think I will break my leg or sprain my wrist. My friends started skiing last year and haven’t had any injuries. My parents are too strict. What can I do to change their minds?



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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i have just gotten ap.

i have not just gotten ap.

have i just gotten ap?

2. she has   alredy gone to work by bus.

she has not already gone to work by bus.

has she already gone to work by bus?

3. they have visited the cinema this month.

they have not visited the cinema this month.

have they visited the cinema this month?

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