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Перевести текст, и ответь на вопросы. Most people in the UK rush to work in the morning. This means they don't have time to make the traditional English breakfast of eggs, bacon and sausages. They may have one a weekends though. During the week, they choose a breakfast of cereal or toast with tea, coffee of fruit juice. Lunch is a simple meal. Many children at school and adults at work bring a packed lunch' from home. This is a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink. Dinner is a meal for the whole family. Spaghetti bolognese and shepherd's pie, are favourites. Many British order takeaways as well! Indian, Chinese food and pizzas are all very popular.
On Sundays, the British get together for a traditional Sunday roast. This is roast beef or lamb with potatoes, vegetables and gravy.
But . . . is there anything for dessert? Homemade puddings like bread and butter pudding, apple pie and truffle are all delicious British desserts. Without them no meal us complete!

1)Most people in the UK have enough time for breakfast, don't they?
2)What is the traditional English breakfast?
3) What do they have for breakfast?
4) What is a "packed lunch?"
5)What do they like to have for dinner?
6)Describe their desserts.
7)What's your idea of Russian food? Is it different from the British food? What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

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Май фэмили из смол бат вэри стронг энд фрэндли. ин ауэр фэмили ол ( я бы лучше сказала эврибади) лав энд рэспект ич азер. зер а файв ов ас : дэд, мам, систэ, ми, бразэ. ич ов ас (тут должно быть хэз) ин зэ фэмили э спешал роол. фэмили из зэ моуст диа энд клоуз пипл. мам кипс ордэ ин зэ хауз. ши из олвейс рэди ту хэлп, промт хау ту экт, регрэт, сапóрт ин дификулт таймс. май дэд из эмэйзин! ол менс рэспонсибл энд экзекьютив. бат, деспайт зэ фэкт зэт хи воз вэри бизи, дэд из олвейс рэди ту хэлп. ай лав май фэмили вэри мач. эз вел, ай хэв зэм.

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