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Вариант №2 1. Выберите единственный верный вариант ответа (a, b или c).

1. The garden was full of ….. children.
a) shouting b) shouted c) shout
2. I didn’t want to eat the …..potatoes.
a) boiling b) boiled c) boil
3. This is the shop ….. many years ago.
a) open b) opened c) opening
4. I used to …… at seven but now I get up later.
a) get up b) getting up c) to get up
5. This situation depends …. you.
a) in b) on c) at
6. She dreams of ….. famous.
a) be b) to be c) being
7. Start ….. in the mornings and you’ll soon feel better.
a) to train b) training c) both
8. Give him some water. ….. is thirsty.
a) He b) We c) You
9. I have a sister. Sometimes I ask …..to help me.
a) her b) he c) him
10. We live in a small town. …… nature is incredible.
a) Its b) His c) Her
11. She does her homework all by …..
a) himself b) herself c) myself
12. …… are ……. cars.
a) We, ours b) This, our c) These, my
13. My daughter is not a child anymore. She is …… already.
a) fifteen b) five c) fifth
14. Here you can see ….. women working in the garden.
a) one b) third c) three
15. She is …. who comes to me to say sorry about my dog.
a) one b) first c) the first
16. (3/4) of this song are played in a country style.
a) three fourth b) three fourths c) third fourth
17. There is a rug …… the floor.
a) on b) at c) in
18. We’ll meet …the corner of the street.
a) in b) on c) at
19. We had holidays …... August.
a) on b) at c) in
20. I should be there …... 9 p.m.
a) in b) on c) at
21. I went to the store …… taxi yesterday. I was really tired.
a) by b) on c) at
22. Recently I’ve met the …… girl.
a) fun b) funniest c) funny
23. As I know, all …… like cheese.
a) mouse b) mice c) mouses
24. Yesterday after work, I was really ….
a) tiring b) tired c) tire
25. He's very …... He always smiles me on my way home.
a) friend b) friendly c) unfriendly
2. Выберите единственный верный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную.
1. “Please bring me some fish soup,” he said to the waitress.
a) He said to the waitress to bring him some fish soup.
b) He said to the waitress brought him some fish soup.
c) He said to the waitress bring him some fish soup.
2. Tom`s brother advised him, “Don’t worry!”
d) Tom`s brother advised him was not worry.
e) Tom`s brother advised him not be worry.
f) Tom`s brother advised him not to worry.
3. My friend said to me, “I can help you.”
d) My friend said to me he couldn`t help me.
e) My friend said to me he could help me.
f) My friend said to me he can help me.
4. “What are you reading?” my mom asked.
d) My mom asked what I am reading.
e) My mom asked what I was reading.
f) My mom asked what was I reading.
5. Joe asked me,” Do you like coffee?”.
d) Joe asked me did I like coffee.
e) Joe asked me if I like coffee.
f) Joe asked me if I liked coffee.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b 2. g 3. a 4. b/g контекста нет? 5. все подходит, в принципе. опять же, есть контекст? 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. опять же, все, кроме, , grated подходит. 

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