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Выберите верный вариант 1. How old is she?
a) She has 21 years old. b) She is 21 years old. c) No, she isn't. d) She is 21 years.
- She's an accountant.
a) What's her job? b) What's she job? c) What's his job? d) What do she job?
She is tall and slim.
a) What does she like? b) What does she look like? c) What is she look like?
d) What she like?
4. Do you live in Madrid?
a) Yes, I live. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I am. d) Yes, I does.
5. Do
have a sister?
a) No, I haven't. b) No, I don't have. c) No, I doesn't. d) No, I don't
- In a flat.
a) Do you live in a house or a flat? b) Does you live in a house or a flat?
c) Are you live in a house or a flat? d) Live you in a house or a flat?
7. a) How many room are there in your
b) How much room are there in you flat?
c) How many rooms are there in your flat?
d) How many rooms are their in your

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1) b

2) a

3) b

4) b

5) d

6) a

7) c


1.b),2.a),3.c),4.b),5.a),6.а).7 не поняла,напиши внятнее


               номер  7

İt is an old car

It is a new shoes

It is a dry season

it is a high mountain

It is a wet jeans

it is an ugly monster

           номер 8

с) it is an old house - it is not a new house

d) It is a new computer program - it is not an old computer program

e) They are not wet shoes - They are dry shoes

f) Her dress is not beautiful - Her dress is ugly

g) Mr. Black is not old - Mr. Black is young

Если что например aren't это краткая форма are not Так что то что я вместо isn't или aren't написал is not или are not то это не ошибка

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