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3 Complete the sentences with the words below.
bears mountains spiders caves dolphins elephants forest
1 Swimming with is now a popular tourist activity in many places.
2 Our children enjoy riding horses through the behind our house.
3 Sometimes we can see eagles flying above the high .
4 In Alaska, you can watch in the river, catching salmon.
5 If there are lots of in your house, you probably need to clean your rooms more often!
6 I don't like going into very much, because they're often full of bats!
7 In Africa and Asia, they sometimes use to pull very heavy objects.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct job
1 A m works in a garage.
2 A s works in the army.
3 An a draws plans for buildings.
4 A w works in a restaurant.
5 A j works in a newspaper office.
6 A m works in a concert hall.
7 A b usually works outside and makes new buildings.
5 Complete sentences with the words below
earn experience gap lessons team training voluntary
1 I'm planning to do work for old people at Christmas.
2 Andrea wants to do a/an course in nursing after she leaves school.
3 They need to get some work , so they are helping at their father's garage.
4 I'll learn lots of useful skills in this job, but I won't much money.
5 Helen is taking computer programming at the local college.
6 Molly's going to lead a/an of volunteers in the city!
7 Is Mike going to take a/an year after school?

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