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Описать животных на английском языке

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There are eight species: Asiatic black bears (also called moon bears), brown bears (which include grizzly bears), giant pandas, North American black bears, polar bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears (also called Andean bears), and sun bears.

Bears have short tails and excellent sense of smell. They’re typically solitary, except for mothers with cubs. On average, bears can live up to 25 years in the wild and 50 in captivity.

During winter, when food is scarce, most bears have an effective survival solution: hibernation, a physical state in which the heart rate, body temperature, metabolism, and respiration is lowered.

All bears are considered omnivores – and yes, they all love the taste of honey – but each species has a preferred diet. Polar mostly eat seals. American black bears love berries and insect larvae, and giant pandas mainly eat bamboo, though they’ll also eat small animals

Объяснение: Описание медведя

the cat has a rounded head, short muzzle, with rather wide jaws and sharp predatory teeth. The eyes are large, the ears are erect. There are special papillae on the tongue that help in drinking, eating and grooming the coat. ... Animals of short-haired cat breeds are slimmer and more active than long-haired

The giraffe is the tallest land animal on our planet. ... He has a very long neck and legs. A long neck helps to reach tall plants, as well as high growth and good vision helps him to see a predator in time, and on his long legs he quickly runs away from enemies and predators.

The hunting leopard is a predatory mammal of the feline family that lives in most African countries, as well as in the Middle East. ... The fastest of all land mammals: in 3 seconds it can reach speeds of up to 110 km / h. According to other sources, the maximum speed of cheetahs reaches 93 km / h.



у домашней кошки округлая голова, короткая морда, с достаточно широкими челюстями и острыми хищными зубами. Глаза большие, уши прямостоячие. На языке расположены специальные сосочки, которые в питье, еде и уходе за шерстью. ... Животные короткошерстных пород кошек стройнее и активнее длинношерстных

Жираф самое высокое наземное животное на нашей планете. ... У него очень длинная шея и ноги. Длинная шея дотягиваться до высоких растений, а так же высокий рост и хорошее зрение ему вовремя увидеть хищника, а на своих длинных ногах он быстро убегает от врагов и хищников.

охотничий леопард— хищное млекопитающее семейства кошачьих, обитает в большинстве стран Африки, а также на Ближнем Востоке. ... Быстрейший из всех наземных млекопитающих: за 3 секунды может развивать скорость до 110 км/ч. Согласно другим данным, максимальная скорость гепардов достигает 93 км/ч.

You can see the tower of london from the river thames.he has a long and brutal history.tallest building is the white tower, the oldest part of the tower of london . the bloody tower is located near the river.the bloody tower has a history of blood - the blood of men, women and even children. when the queen is in london, she stays in buckingham palace.

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