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A.m. no.
3.2 Complete the sentences with the correct abbreviations.
e.g. opp.
1. The winning ticket at today's lottery is 19.
2. By 2040, China's population is expected to be
1.45 billion.
3. 'Approve
disapprove) means to speak or think favourably of
something or someone.
4. My dad wakes up very early in the morning because he has to be at work at 6.00
5. Socrates, the famous Classical Greek Athenian philosopher, died in 399
6. There are many irregular verbs in the English language,
break, do, make.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)He entered the room quietly - он тихо вошел в комнату

2)The boy sat down on a bench and began to read a book - Мальчик сел на скамью и стал читать книгу

3)Under an old book she found a letter - Под старой книгой она нашла письмо

4)An unknown man was walking behind them - Позади шел неизвестный мужчина

5)Next to it was a terrible house - Рядом с ним находился ужасный дом

6)There was a large crowd in front of him - Перед ним была большая толпа

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