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Analyase the sentences according to the scheme - The voice shrivelled them: you couldn't describe it in any other way, they were not happy any more.

- Though the office was small, whitewashed and undistinguished, Peter recognized every sing and noise.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Task 2

a college graduate - выпускник колледжа

just a beginner - только начинающий

former - бывший

companion - товарищ

jolly - весёлый

well-bred - воспитанный

naughty - капризный

to be fond of smth - интересоваться чем-либо

to be eager - быть нетерпеливым; страстно желать чего-либо

to be against - быть против

peace - мир

Agreement (согласие)

Sure - конечно

Why, yes of course - почему, да конечно

By all means - любым было бы прекрасно

I'd be glad to - Я бы с радостью...

How nice of you - как мило с вашей стороны

It (certainly) is - эио определённо так

Diagreement (несогласие)

By no means - ни в коем случае

Far from it - отнюдь не... ; ничуть

I'm afraid I don't agree - боюсь я не согласен

I think you're mistaken - думаю ты ошибаешься

Just the other way round - как раз наоборот

I'd like to say yes, but... - Я бы хотел сказать да, но...

I'm awfully sorry but you see... - Мне ужасно жаль, но как видите...

Task 3.

If I had a house of my dream, it would be big enough. There would be all modern conveniences and modern technical equipment, so that it would be really nice to live there. I would have a big garden behind the house, also I would have a swimming pool because I love swimming. And, of course, I would like the house to be in a quiet and peaceful place, where no other houses would be.

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