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What newspapers and magazines do we read in Ukraine? Millions of people all over the world read newspapers and magazines. They play an important role in the life of every nation.

Among the first newspapers in Ukraine were Lviv Courier (founded in 1749) and Kharkiv Weekly (founded in 1817). Since Ukraine became an independent state, the proportion of newspapers and magazines in the Ukrainian-language has increased. A total of more than 3,000 newspapers are published in Ukraine, plus 1,500 magazines.

The main national newspapers are the Voice of Ukraine >>, << Pravda Ukrainy, Silki Visti etc. Very popular newspapers are Fakty, Dzerkalo Thznya and some others. They report national and international news very thoroughly.
Among the popular magazines are Berehynya, Diloviy Visnya, Korespondent, Lyudyna I Svit etc. There are magazines and periodicals for many trades, professions and interests. They can print interesting facts about anyone and anything: the army, official, private individuals, politics and so on. There are many local editions, too. Newspapers can be of daily or weekly publication. Magazines are usually monthlies. They vary in contents, size and appeal to different kinds of readers.

Ukrainian periodicals are independent today. The state of Ukraine guarantees their economic independence. But in practice editors are journalists sometimes face different problems. In any democratic society press is a real fourth estate that provides the control of different aspects in the of the society.

Practise the new vocabulary. Find the following words expressions in the text and give their English equivalents
●Незалежна держава ●Старанно
●Зростати ●Серед
●Публікувати ●Періодичні видання
●Приватний ●Гарантувати
●Заннятя ●Чиновник
●Професія ●Суспільство
●Місцеве видання ●Редактор
●Відрізнятися ●На Практиці
●Зміст ●Забезпечувати
( ів)​

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