24.11.2022 23:14
Есть ответ 👍

3. Поставте дісслова в дужках в Present Continuous або Past Continuous. 1.1... (water) the plants now.
2. . I ... (water) the plants at 6 o'clock yesterday evening?
3. They ... (wait) for the bus when the accident happened.
4. She ... (read) now.
5. The boys ... (play) in the garden now.
6. The boys ... (play) in the garden at 60'clock yesterday.
7. I ... (revise) my lessons now.
8. Somebody ... (knock) at the door now.
9. We ... (wait) for the guests at this time yesterday.
10. The birds ... (fly) in the sky now.
ета не физика ета англиский

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(49 оценок)

1.I'm watering

2.I'm was watering

3. They were waiting

4. She is reading now

5. The boys are playing

6. The boys were playing

7. I'm reSiving

8. Somebody is knocking

9. we were waiting

10. The birds are flying

4,6(51 оценок)


значит,   m=p/v, т.е.

45 кг * м/с / 54 км/ч = ~0,84 кг

Популярно: Физика