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2.26 Complete the letter with don't have to or mustn't and the verbs in the box.
Then listen and check.
dance bring speak
Dear Students
The school disco is this Friday at 7 pm.
Please remember that you
... to ask your
parents for permission. They
to your
teacher (it's not necessary - just sign the
school uniform but you must
wear suitable clothing. Also, you friends
from other schools - they aren't allowed
in the school. Finally, don't forget - you
but it's much more fun if you do!!
form). You 3

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Ответы на вопрос:

Язанят  i am busyона работает слишком много  she works too muchмы часто ходим за покупками  we often go shopping им нравится рок-музыка  they like rock music он никогда не пьет алкоголь  he never drinks alcohol я встаю в семь часов утра каждый день   i get up at 7 o’clock in the morning every day ты выглядишь уставшим  you look tired это интересно  it is very interesting они часто нам  they often help us мне нужно взять отпуск  i need to take a holiday

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