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Read the text and decide if the statements are True or False

Dear Liz,
This is my new classroom. It is very big. There's a big window, so it's also very light. There's a blackboard on the wall. There's also some chalk to write. The noticeboard is next to the blackboard. There are some pictures above the blackboard. The clock is also on the wall near the blackboard. There's a teacher's desk below the clock. There isn't a projector, but there's a TV above the teacher's desk. There is a small bookcase with some books in it. There is a plant between the noticeboard and the bookcase. There aren't any pupils' desks now, but they will be opposite the blackboard.
What is there in your classroom? Is there a big window? Are there any desks now?
Write soon.
There are two small windows in Tom's classroom.

There isn't any chalk.

There is a noticeboard next to the plant. True/False

There are some pictures on the wall. True/False

The teacher's desk is above the clock. True/False

There aren't any desks opposite the blackboard now.
There isn't a TV in the classroom.True/False

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Ответы на вопрос:

Против. 1.when we use gadgets in school, we are distracted and do not listen to the teacher. 2. you can lose your phone, or someone can steal it. 3. the teacher can select the phone because you are distracted, and she or he will give it only to the parents.   за 1. you can play at the break 2. when you forgot something you can call home and ask to bring. 3. you can see the time at the lesson. против 1.когда мы используем гаджеты в школе мы отвлекаемся и не слушаем учителя. 2. можно потерять телефон, или его может кто то украсть. 3. учитель может отобрать телефон из-за того что ты отвлекаешься, и отдаст она или он его только родителям. за 1. на перемене можно поиграть 2. когда ты что то забыл можно позвонить домой и попросить принести. 3. можно посмотреть время на уроке.

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