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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I will do morning exercises. "+"

I won't do morning exercises. "-"

Will I/you do morning exercises? "?"

2. He will work at a factory. "+"

He won't work at a factory. "-"

Will he work at a factory? "?"

3. She will sleep after dinner. "+"

She won't sleep after dinner. "-"

Will she sleep after dinner? "?"

4. We will work part-time."+"

We won't work part-time. "-"

Will we/you work part-time? "?"

5. They will drink tea every day."+"

They won't drink tea every day. "-"

Will they drink tea every day. "?"

6. Mike will be a student. "+"

Mike won't be a student. "-"

Will Mike be a student? "?"

7. Helen will have a car."+"

Helen won't have a car. "-"

Will Helen have a car. "?"

8. You will be a good friend."+"

You won't be a good friend. "-"

Will you be a good friend? "?"

9. You will be good friends."+"

You won't be good friends "-"

Will you be good friends ? "?"

10. It will be difficult to remember everything."+"

It won't be difficult to remember everything. "-"

Will it be difficult to remember everything?


Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицате

Популярно: Английский язык