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1. Choose the best answer.

Usually, whenever Peter (1) (C) home from a trip he (2) his passport in his desk drawer, but in January, after a trip to Poland, he (3) his passport in the pocket of his overcoat. Two weeks later, he (4) fly to Thailand. While (5) his bag he (6) that he (7) a note of the name of the hotel that his company (8) for him. He

(9) for his flight online earlier that morning, but he (10) about the hotel details. While he (11) his office, the doorbell (12) . His taxi for the airport (13) . He (14) the details of the hotel, (15) his bag and (16) out of the house. He (17) forward to a few sunny days in Bangkok. While he (18) how nice it would be to walk around the city without heavy winter clothes, he suddenly (19)

that he (20) his passport in his overcoat.

1. A was returning B returns C returned D returning

2. A had put B would put C was putting D puts

3. A had left B leaves C was leaving D leaving

4. A was having to B has had to C had to D would have to

5. A packed B packing C had packed D packs

6. A was realizing B realizes C realized D realizing

7. A hadn't made B didn't make C wouldn't make D wasn't making

8. A was booked B books C booking D had booked

9. A was checking in B had checked in C checked in D used to check in

10. A forgetting B forgotten C had forgotten D was forgetting

11. A was phoning B had phoned C phoning D phones

12. A rung B ring C was ringing D rang

13. A arriving B arrive C was arriving D had arrived

14. A was noting B used to note C noted D noting

15. A picked up B was picking up C had picked up D picking up

16. A ran B running C was running D run

17. A looked B was looking C looking D had looked

18. A had thought B thinking C was thinking D would think

19. A remembered B remember C was remembering D remembering

20. A leaving B had left C was leaving D was left

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. teacher (учитель)2. lunch (обед)

3. basketball (баскетбол)

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