16.06.2022 23:17
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На до ветеринарам У ветеринарії для лікування тварин в проносний засіб використовують розчин з масовою часткою натрій сульфату в

• Яку масу фистапопорту натри сульфат дека драгу і який обсм поли треба тами щоб приготувати 2 т​

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Ответы на вопрос:

My mom is a primary school teacher. she is very kind, affectionate, sweet. mom loves her job and all the children who are close by her. my mom is 42 (forty two) years old.she has blonde hair and green eyes. just for me she is the most beautiful mother in the world and her name is svetlana. she loves to embroider or read in the evenings. and she cooks tasty food. on weekends, she cooks delicious meals for us. i love her very much.

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