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Эссе чем занята в свободное время по английскому языку

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In my free time I like to go the park to meet up with my friends. It is not far from our school so we go there after our classes. The park is a quiet place with lots of trees and there are benches there. We usually listen to music and dance there. Sometimes we go roller-skating there or just sit in the local cafe having milkshakes or ice-cream. I enjoy spending my time there, it is really relaxing.


В свободное время я люблю ходить в парк, чтобы встретиться с друзьями. Он находится недалеко от нашей школы, поэтому мы ходим туда после уроков. Парк — тихое место с множеством деревьев и скамейками. Там мы обычно слушаем музыку и танцуем. Иногда мы катаемся на роликах или просто сидим в местном кафе. заказав молочные коктейли или мороженое. Мне нравится проводить там время, это действительно расслабляет.


Free time is the best time for me. I can have a good rest, help my parents, take a walk with my dog, play with my younger ones, play with my cat, spend time with my grandparents, or meet friends in a cafe and chat. I love my free time very much, and especially after school when you sit down to relax.



Свободное время это самое лучшее время для меня. Я могу хорошо отдохнуть родителям, погулять с собакой, поиграть с младшими иди с кошкой, провести время с бабушкой и дедушкой ну или же встретится с друзьями в кафе и поболтать. Я очень сильно люблю свое свободное время, а особенно после уроков когда садишься отдохнуть.

думаю, что такое эссе пойдет)

Iwas sitting in the train and watching the views of quickly changing sights of nature. from time to time the train stopped at various stations. it was boring. it was sunday. the train stopped in palermo for an hour. suddenly i saw a man selling a cannery and decided to buy it for my poor daughter. i paid a dollar and a half for it and i think it sings really beautifully .at one of the stations i got off and bought a copy of the daily mail. i'm a bit deaf and always afraid not to hear the signal of departure. when i got to avingnon it was dark. i'm afraid of rapid speed and haven't slept all the night long. i laid awake and waited for a wreck. in the morning in spite of not having slept, i had taken the cloth off the bird cage and hung the cage in the sun. then i had my breakfast. when i came back the cannery was shaking his father in the sunlight and it seemed to be singing . i've always loved birds and i was taking him home for my poor girl. there was a young lady and her husband in my compartment. they were americans. i think that american men make best husbands. i recallected my daughter who fell in love with a swiss. he was from a good family in vevey and was going to be an engineer. they used to go for a walk together. i took her away. since that time she doesn't care about things. it's her you know i was taking the cannery to. i couldn't get her to marry a foreigner. i'm convinced that the american men make best husbands. so when this bird sings beautifully she'll forget her love for ever. i'm sure the american men make best husbands. i think my daughter will be happy with an american.

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