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She 10 (carry) Whiskers to safety in her arms, when suddenly there was a huge explosion. The cat 11 (leap) up into the air and 12 (run) away. After an hour of fruitless search they still 13 (not/find) him, so with heavy hearts they set off again for home. About two months passed. It was two o’clock in the morning and Rita 14 (lie) awake in her bed in London. She 15 (dream) about Whiskers. Suddenly she 16 (hear) a strange scratching sound.
Thinking it might be burglars, she 17 (wake) Jim up and quietly they 18 (creep) downstairs. They couldn’t tell where the noise 19 (come) from. Then Jim opened the front door and, to their amazement, there was Whiskers! He 20 (walk) for over 60 days, and incredibly he 21 (find) his way home.

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1) Какой у Джессики школьный номер?

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