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Read these sentences and choose have to, has to or had to. Write one variant into each sentence. Don’t use capital letters and full stops.

1. She is studying Maths. She read a lot of materials.

2. I went to the shop last week. I buy some food.

3. These students did an exam. They answer five questions out of seven.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. She is studying Maths. She read a lot of materials.


Answer 1. has to

2. I went to the shop last week. I buy some food.

Answer 2. had to

3. These students did an exam. They answer five questions out of seven.

Answer 3. had to



We use have to when we talk about things that are necessary to do, it is obliged to do them.

Has to is used when we say or mean he, she, it

We can use had to, when we talk about things that were necessary to do in the past, it was obliged to do.

Is there some milk?

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