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3 Read the text again. Write K for Kilian, G
G for Gisela or B for both.
1 His/Her parents did the same sport
2 He/She started doing sports as a baby.
3 He/She went to another place to live.
4 He/She travels to a lot of different countries.
5 He/She teaches other people his/her sport
6 He/She went to university.
7 He/She did something for the first time
in 2010.
8 He/She can race for over 24 hours.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The news programm is watched by millions of people every day. программу новостей смотрят миллионы людей каждый день. the mona lisa was painted by leonardo da vinci. мона лиза была написана леонардо да винчи. the new cinema will be built next year. новый кинотеатр будет построен в следующем году. new pop groups are much spoken about among teenagers. о новых поп группах много говорят подростки. alexander pushkin's first poem was written when he was fourteen. первое стихотворение александра пушкина было написано им, когда ему было четырнадцать. the letters will be sent by post tommorow. письма будут отправлены по почте завтра. the translation was finished two hours ago. перевод завершён два часа назад. london is visited by hundreds of tourists every year. лондон посещается сотнями туристов каждый год. the dinner will be ready in an hour. обед будет готов через час.

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