Есть ответ 👍

Составьте 3 предложения на разные временные формы ( настоящие, прошедшее и будущее ) к каждому предложению задать 3 вопроса ( general question, alternative question and special question.) !

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. i'm passing my exam now. general question : - are you passing exam now? - yes, i'm. alternative question : - are you passing an english exam or french? - i'm passing an english exam. special question : - what are you doing now? - i'm passing my exam. 2. i spent my holidays in italy 2 years ago. general question : - did you be in italy? - yes, i did. alternative question : - did you be in italy alone or with your friends? - i was with my friends. special question : - where did you be 2 years ago? - i was in italy. 3. she will write a poem for her mother. general question : - will she write a poem? - yes, she will. alternative question : - will she write a poem only for her mother or for anybody else? - she will write a poem only for her mother. special question : - what will she do? - she will write a poem for her mother.

Open diary and write home work. ( открой дневник и запиши )

Популярно: Английский язык