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Ты в лондоне. напиши открытку своему другу по переписки. расскажи, как ты проводишь время.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello, hello! that's already passed two days, as i'm in london! wonderful, charming and likable city. paphos unobtrusive english comfort, wealth and etiquette royal nation, interlaced with the simplicity of conduct, communication and lifestyles of young people. cyclists on the road, running through the park to the people in a simple sports and daily clothes is a respect and a certain envy : they are much more than us. live in the heart of the sporting events of this week, a 10-minute walk to the start of the world cup triathlon, in the hyde park! already successfully registered, a little taken a walk around the city, visited the expo, even побегала. the competition started today with distance акватлона. we have six awards, four gold, one silver and one bronze.

They've got some butter in the fridge.

Have you got any plans for summer?

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