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Correct the mistake in each of these sentences. 1. if i did ever had the chance, i'd take a year off and go travelling. 2.if i could live anywhere in the world, i'd probably bought a beach villa in tahiti. 3. if i didn't need to learn english, i would stop a long time ago. 4. if i didn't have to go to work tomorrow, i would have stayed at home. 5. if i had been good at maths, i would
have study it at university. 6. if i was doing more exercise when i was younger, i would be a lot fitter now. 7. ifi'd been born with very rich parents, i wouldn't doing this job.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if i ever had a  chance, i'd take a year off and go travelling.

2.  if i could live anywhere in the world, i'd probably buy a beach villa in tahiti.

3.  if i haven't need to learn english, i would have stopped a long time ago.

4.  if i didn't have to go to work tomorrow, i would stay at home.

5.  if i was good at maths, i would study it at university.

6.  if i had been doing more exercise when i was younger, i would be a lot fitter now.

7.  if i'd been born with very rich parents, i wouldn't have doing this job.

the worst


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