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Нужно разобрать глаголы на правильное и неправильное слова: to be,to run, to jump, to speak, to open,to leave, to like, to work, to live, to arrive,to go, to play,to have, to get up, to do, to see, to take, to stay, to swim, to know, to надо на завтра((

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to be

to run

to speak

to leave

to go

to have

to get up

to do

to see

to take

to swim

to know

остальные правельные

regular verbs (правильные глаголы): to jump, to open, to like, to work, to live, to arrive, to play, to stay, to invite.

irregular verbs (неправильные глаголы): to be, to run, to speak, to leave, to go, to have, to get up, to do, to see, to take, to swim, to know. 

It's obvious that smoking is one of the major problems in our society. cigarette smoking is a frequent cause for many health problems with smokers. it is justly said that smoking is the plague of the 21th century. today there are a lot of ways to cope with this addiction. first of all it is necessary to pass the law banning smoking in the public places. this measure can help to prevent lung diseases caused by smoking. if teenagers don't see the smokers in the streets and this bad habit will become less common. on the other hand, the habit of smoking cannot be fought immediately. so, this problem must be gradually coped with. it is clear that the smoke-free law can be hard for smokers. that's why the government should support these people one way or another. in conclusion, i'd like to say that this problem can be coped with. governments and parents should discuss this problem with teenagers and explain the health risks of smoking. i think it will help to prevent teenagers from smoking or at least to limit the number of smokers among teens. it is very important because a healthy nation is our future.

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