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Present simple, past simple, present continuos, past continuos, passive voice. на каждое время написать по одному предложению.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Present simple. i like to swim. past simple. he went to the zoo every month. present continious. i am drinking a cup of coffee at the moment. past continious. i was writing an essay two hours ago. passive voice. that book was written by william shakespear 

She likes reading books - present simple he didn't say anything - past simple i am watching tv now - present continuos the work was done - past passive voice the door is opened - present passive voice

Where are you driving ? (куда ты едешь? ) where do you live? (где ты живёшь? ) where have you been ? (где ты была? ) where do you want to go? (куда ты хочешь съездить? ) where did you buy this toy? (где ты купила эту игрушку? ) извини,если есть ошибки

Популярно: Английский язык