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1. tea should with no sugar. a)drink b)drank c) be drunk d) been drank 2. a: dan's family is rich. b: yes, they are really a) poverty b) poor c) miserable d) wealthy 3. my parents are buying a new car. a) on b) for c) about d) with 4. mary can't call her mother. her mobile phone doesn't work. mary ( her mother if her mobile phone (2) . a) (1) would can call; (2) was working b) (1) could call; (2) were c) (1) would ba able to call; (w) works d) (1) could call: (2) worked 5. in a democratic country of speech is essential. a) freement b) freedom c) freeness d) freeth 6. to help my sister do her english homework. a) can't stand b) enjoyed c) don't mind d) promised 7. it'll be alright, a) shall it b) won't it c) doesn't it d) isn't it 8. is celebrated just before all saints' day a) boxing day b) thanksgiving c) halloween d) veterans' day 9. steve's father is a . he cooks food in a restaurant . a) chef b) cooker c) cuisiner d) chief 10. the big apple is the name for . a) london b) dublin c) toronto d) new york

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1) c 2) d 3) c 4) d 5) b 6) d 7) b 8) c 9) a 10) d

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